在 JEFFREY V POLICE 一案中 , J 在公共集会场合多次使用 ”F…” 粗口 , 高等法庭判他使用不秽语言罪 (OBSCENE LANGUAGE) 并对其罚款 . 从此案判决引申出被告的自由表达及法律权利必须与其他民众的自由及法律权利相平衡 . 在公共场合不可使用污秽的 , 可憎的语言 . 大字报男使用排比的方式反复多次辱骂中国人是猪 , 是否归属于不秽语言 ( OBSCENE LANGUAGE ) 大字报男你好自为之 , 小心为妙。
2 . Summary Offences Act ( 简易惩罚条例 ) 第 4 条全文如下:
4 Offensive behaviour or language
(1) Every person is liable to a fine not exceeding [$1,000 ] who,—
(a) In or within view of any public place, behaves in an offensive or disorderly manner; or
(b) In any public place, addresses any words to any person intending to threaten, alarm, insult, or offend that person; or
(c) In or within hearing of a public place,—
(i) Uses any threatening or insulting words and is reckless whether any person is alarmed or insulted by those words; or
(ii) Addresses any indecent or obscene words to any person.
(2) Every person is liable to a fine not exceeding [$500 ] who, in or within hearing of any public place, uses any indecent or obscene words.
(3) In determining for the purposes of a prosecution under this section whether any words were indecent or obscene, the Court shall have regard to all the circumstances pertaining at the material time, including whether the defendant had reasonable grounds for believing that the person to whom the words were addressed, or any person by whom they might be overheard, would not be offended.
(4) It is a defence in a prosecution under subsection (2) of this section if the defendant proves that he had reasonable grounds for believing that his words would not be overheard.
(5) Nothing in this section shall apply with respect to any publication within the meaning of the Films, Videos, and Publications Classification Act 1993, whether the publication is objectionable within the meaning of that Act or not.
我们认为警方可以依据此条( b ) (c ) 二条对 大字报男进行公诉,只要公诉方有足够的理由相信大字报男的大字报对某些或全部华人有辱骂,蔑视行为,举动,意图就可以对其绳之以法。
3 .民众对策
普通民众倘若要对眼镜哥进行声援或申冤,正象华人警察反复多次宣讲的一样,报警 - 报警 - 还是报警。 试想,如果有足够多的人不断报警,警察胆敢不介入?如果有足够多的人不断报警,也让公诉方有足够的证据及理由相信大字报男的大字报对足够多华人造成影响,从而加速公诉方起诉进程,让害群之马更早改邪归正。纽西兰的刑法体系不同于我们的原居地,道德规范也不同于我们的原居地。在这里基本没有鼓励"见义勇为”"先人后己”"舍生忘死”的中国传统观念。遇到类似问题只有报警 - 报警 - 还是报警。新移民可能会觉得这样的法律实在是无稽之谈,但是,这就是纽西兰法律。
4 .眼镜哥会被起诉吗?